Vitamin Water
VITAMIN WATER - did you know that there are nutritional benefits to infusing your water with fruit, vegetables and herbs? It's real vitamin water with no preservative s and no nasties. Nutrients seep out of the fruit and are absorbed directly into the water. You can get about 20% of the vitamin content. You also get the antioxidant benefits of the fruit when drinking it. It's a great option for fussy kids who won't eat fruit - at least they can get some benefits by consuming the water but obviously not all! Infuse it for a couple of hours at room temperature or 3-4 hours in the fridge. If at room temperature make sure you consume the same day (as there is nothing to preserve it) but it will stay in the fridge for up to 3 days. Make sure your fruit/ vegetables are organic or you could be allowing the pesticide residue to absorb into your water. If it's not peel it or remove the rind. Removing the rind is also advisable if you're going to let it infuse for a couple of days as it will become bitter otherwise ... It also tastes great with sparkling water ... Play around with what you have in the house and see what you like ... Kiwi orange and strawberries are great for an immune boost. They are all naturally highl in vitamin C which infuses the water ...
In the picture I have:
Cucumber and basil
Pineapple, ginger and Rosemary
Orange, lemon and mint
Mixed berries