Supporting your Immune System

Nobody wants to get sick and so it's really important to support your immune system to stay healthy and happy. I've put together an info graphic to help you with some really important tips on it - My Top Tips!


A well balanced diet which is low in refined and processed food but full of whole, real foods.

Good quality protein which are building blocks for your immune system

Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) from fish, seeds and nuts are all anti inflammatory  and enhance immune system function

Fruits & Vegetables are full of anti oxidants to support immune system activity. The fibre in these feed the good bacteria that already reside in your gut.

Low calorie diet mean you don't get enough of the raw materials


Not enough sleep can weaken the immune system as the immune cells are generated while we sleep. Less than 5 hours sleep will result in a 45% reduced activity in your immune cells. We need at least 8 hours a night.


Exercise has a positive effect on your immune system as it keeps you lymph system moving reducing inflammation and helping fight of viruses and bacteria.


Immune cells have a vitamin D receptor and require it to function properly. The major source of  Vitamin D is the sun. From October - February we cannot make it from our british sun as the UVB radiation needed to produce it is not possible.

Peoples lowest levels are in February and in a study done last year it showed that this was when colds and flus were also at their highest.

Always advisable to get your levels checked.


Sugar decreases the WBC (white blood cells) ability to destroy foreign particles and micro organisms. 30 minutes after you have eaten a sugar laden food like a chocolate bar or a piece of cake your immune systems activity is reduced by 50% and it lasts for up to 5 hours. Why? WBCs use Vitamin C to combat infections and have a higher concentration of vitamin C than normal cells. Sugar completes with vitamin C for transportation into the cell. If you have sugar going in there is less room for Vitamin C!!!


Its the master immune supporting nutrient - sucked up by WBC (as mentioned above). Like we fill our cars with gas immune cells fill up with vitamin C. It is anti bacterial and anti viral, destroys toxins, natural anti histamine, decreases inflammation .....


One of the jobs of good bacteria is to stimulate your immune system. By eating probiotics rich food, fruit, vegetables and fiber you can maintain good intestinal flora and a healthy immune system.

Foods such as chicory, leeks, garlic and onions all contain prebiotics which is food for the good bacteria that already reside in your gut - keeping them happy and you healthy.


Great primers of the immune system and get it ready for any invaders.


The flu virus has a neurominidaze enzyme on it that allows it to replicate and stick to the lining of the respiratory tract - Elderberry deactivates this enzyme!!

Interesting fact: Elderberry can inhibit 10 flu viruses - the jab can inhibit 2.

In addition to this it: soothes the throat, clears mucous, strengthens the immune response, antioxidant, anti inflammatory ...   




Blueberry Muffins


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